June 22, 2010 – Stefan Passantino and his team’s pay-to-play blog is featured in an Atlanta Journal-Constitution article about the growing popularity and newfound benefits of law firms entering the blogosphere.
Mr. Passantino said he started the blog last fall because he found it fun. “It allows me to track the interesting parts of the law but not really having to get into the nuts and bolts of a compliance program. I use it as a credential so that people know that I know this area of the law.”
The article notes that of the top 200 U.S. law firms, 96 now publish blogs, according to LexBlog Inc.
The overall strategy for law firm bloggers is to fine a niche in the legal field and a team that enjoys writing about it. However, showing the effectiveness of the blog can be difficult in certain environments, as the results are not as measurable as tracking the standard billable hour.
To read Péralte C. Paul’s full article on law firm blogs please click here.